Wednesday, August 21, 2013

There's no such thing as a lucky strike.

A while ago, I was managing a large beta project for a large enterprise company. While preparing a thorough integration test plan, I've began to see my document page count rise and rise.
Consulting with my boss about the possibility to repeat this plan week after week with QA (As most of it was GUI, automation wasn't that possible back then), she told me a very smart thing:

- "If it wasn't tested, assume it's not working".

Simply put, whenever posting code to a production environment, even the slightest of changes, test it. See it with your own eyes.
Especially if we're talking about a startup environment, where everything should be as quick and there's no QA - Be extra careful. If you've posted your code without testing and it worked once, you're lucky.
But luck won't hold up forever, and your users will suffer.

Take a couple more minutes and a deep breath and test it.

Most cases, you'll be glad you did.

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