Everyone is posting tips for startups, tips for entrepreneurs, tips for your business, tips for how to sell your company, tips for how to wake up in the morning.
Hosting meetups, conventions, non-conventions, garage meetings, beer meetings.
Talking and talking and talking.
Writing "The best advice I've got so far is" articles.
Posting and reposting.
I read a lot of these. Some of them are very nicely written, some of them are obvious and corny.
Seems like a lot of these people forget they were also a bit lucky to get where they are.
My thought - Reading is great, just don't forget to believe in yourself as well.
Don't try to be what you're not. If you're not the no. 1 type, don't force yourself to be the CEO.
If you're not the sales person, don't try to behave like one - Try to sell things the way YOU would, and convince people your way.
And if it doesn't work - Find someone for your team who can do that. In a well balanced team, members complete each other, not just complement themselves.
The James Altchuler link is EPIC